Identification by Accurate Mass =============================== Example workflow for the processing of a set of :term:`mzML` files (defined in the ``files`` variable) including centroiding, features detection, :term:feature: linking and accurate mass search. The resulting data gets processed in a pandas data frame with features filtering (missing values, quality) and imputation of remaining missing values. Compounds detected during accurate mass search will be annotated in the resulting dataframe. Imports and :term:`mzML` file path ********************************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: import os import shutil import requests import pandas as pd import pyopenms as oms import numpy as np from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # set path to your mzML files, or leave like this to use the example data files = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "IdByMz_Example") Download Example Data ********************* Execute this cell only for the example workflow. .. code-block:: python :linenos: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "IdByMz_Example")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "IdByMz_Example")) base = "" urls = [ "datasets/2012_02_03_PStd_050_1.mzML", "datasets/2012_02_03_PStd_050_2.mzML", "datasets/2012_02_03_PStd_050_3.mzML", "databases/PositiveAdducts.tsv", "databases/NegativeAdducts.tsv", "databases/HMDBMappingFile.tsv", "databases/HMDB2StructMapping.tsv", ] for url in urls: request = requests.get(base + url, allow_redirects=True) open(os.path.join(files, os.path.basename(url)), "wb").write( request.content ) Centroiding *********** If files are already centroided this step can bet omitted. ``in``: path to MS data (files) ``out``: path to centroided :term:`mzML` files in a subfolder 'centroid' (files) .. code-block:: python :linenos: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(files, "centroid")): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(files, "centroid")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(files, "centroid")) for file in os.listdir(files): if file.endswith(".mzML"): exp_raw = oms.MSExperiment() oms.MzMLFile().load(os.path.join(files, file), exp_raw) exp_centroid = oms.MSExperiment() oms.PeakPickerHiRes().pickExperiment(exp_raw, exp_centroid, True) oms.MzMLFile().store(os.path.join(files, "centroid", file), exp_centroid) del exp_raw files = os.path.join(files, "centroid") Feature Detection ***************** ``in``: path to centroid :term:`mzML` files (files) ``out``: list of :py:class:`~.FeatureMap` (feature_maps) .. code-block:: python :linenos: feature_maps = [] for file in os.listdir(files): if file.endswith(".mzML"): exp = oms.MSExperiment() oms.MzMLFile().load(os.path.join(files, file), exp) exp.sortSpectra(True) mass_traces = [] mtd = oms.MassTraceDetection() mtd_params = mtd.getDefaults() mtd_params.setValue( "mass_error_ppm", 5.0 ) # set according to your instrument mass error mtd_params.setValue( "noise_threshold_int", 1000.0 ) # adjust to noise level in your data mtd.setParameters(mtd_params), mass_traces, 0) mass_traces_split = [] mass_traces_final = [] epd = oms.ElutionPeakDetection() epd_params = epd.getDefaults() epd_params.setValue("width_filtering", "fixed") epd.setParameters(epd_params) epd.detectPeaks(mass_traces, mass_traces_split) if epd.getParameters().getValue("width_filtering") == "auto": epd.filterByPeakWidth(mass_traces_split, mass_traces_final) else: mass_traces_final = mass_traces_split feature_map = oms.FeatureMap() feat_chrom = [] ffm = oms.FeatureFindingMetabo() ffm_params = ffm.getDefaults() ffm_params.setValue("isotope_filtering_model", "none") ffm_params.setValue( "remove_single_traces", "true" ) # set false to keep features with only one mass trace ffm_params.setValue("mz_scoring_by_elements", "false") ffm_params.setValue("report_convex_hulls", "true") ffm.setParameters(ffm_params), feature_map, feat_chrom) feature_map.setUniqueIds() feature_map.setPrimaryMSRunPath([file[:-5].encode()]) feature_maps.append(feature_map) Feature Map Retention Time Alignment ************************************ ``in``: unaligned list of :py:class:`~.FeatureMap` (feature_maps) ``out``: list of :py:class:`~.FeatureMap` aligned to the first :term:`feature map` in the list (feature_maps) .. code-block:: python :linenos: # get in index of feature map with highest number of features in feature map list ref_index = [ i[0] for i in sorted( enumerate([fm.size() for fm in feature_maps]), key=lambda x: x[1] ) ][-1] aligner = oms.MapAlignmentAlgorithmPoseClustering() aligner.setReference(feature_maps[ref_index]) for feature_map in feature_maps[:ref_index] + feature_maps[ref_index + 1 :]: trafo = oms.TransformationDescription() aligner.align(feature_map, trafo) transformer = oms.MapAlignmentTransformer() transformer.transformRetentionTimes( feature_map, trafo, True ) # store original RT as meta value Visualization of RTs before and after Alignment *********************************************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: fmaps = ( [feature_maps[ref_index]] + feature_maps[:ref_index] + feature_maps[ref_index + 1 :] ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax.set_title("consensus map before alignment") ax.set_ylabel("m/z") ax.set_xlabel("RT") # use alpha value to display feature intensity ax.scatter( [f.getRT() for f in fmaps[0]], [f.getMZ() for f in fmaps[0]], alpha=np.asarray([f.getIntensity() for f in fmaps[0]]) / max([f.getIntensity() for f in fmaps[0]]), ) for fm in fmaps[1:]: ax.scatter( [f.getMetaValue("original_RT") for f in fm], [f.getMZ() for f in fm], alpha=np.asarray([f.getIntensity() for f in fm]) / max([f.getIntensity() for f in fm]), ) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax.set_title("consensus map after alignment") ax.set_xlabel("RT") for fm in fmaps: ax.scatter( [f.getRT() for f in fm], [f.getMZ() for f in fm], alpha=np.asarray([f.getIntensity() for f in fm]) / max([f.getIntensity() for f in fm]), ) fig.tight_layout() fig.legend( [fmap.getMetaValue("spectra_data")[0].decode() for fmap in fmaps], loc="lower center", ) # in some cases get file name elsewhere, e.g. fmap.getDataProcessing()[0].getMetaValue('parameter: out') Feature Linking *************** ``in``: list of:py:class:`~.FeatureMap` (feature_maps) ``out``: :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` (consensus_map) .. code-block:: python :linenos: feature_grouper = oms.FeatureGroupingAlgorithmQT() consensus_map = oms.ConsensusMap() file_descriptions = consensus_map.getColumnHeaders() for i, feature_map in enumerate(feature_maps): file_description = file_descriptions.get(i, oms.ColumnHeader()) file_description.filename = feature_map.getMetaValue("spectra_data")[ 0 ].decode() file_description.size = feature_map.size() file_description.unique_id = feature_map.getUniqueId() file_descriptions[i] = file_description consensus_map.setColumnHeaders(file_descriptions), consensus_map) ConsensusMap to Pandas DataFrame ******************************** ``in``: :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` (consensus_map) ``out``: DataFrame with RT, mz and quality from :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` (cm_df) .. code-block:: python :linenos: intensities = consensus_map.get_intensity_df() meta_data = consensus_map.get_metadata_df()[["RT", "mz", "quality"]] cm_df = pd.concat([meta_data, intensities], axis=1) cm_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) cm_df Accurate Mass Search ******************** ``in``: :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` (consensus_map) ``out``: DataFrame with :py:class:`~.AccurateMassSearchEngine` results (ams_df) .. code-block:: python :linenos: if files.endswith("centroid"): files = os.path.join(files, "..") ams = oms.AccurateMassSearchEngine() ams_params = ams.getParameters() ams_params.setValue("ionization_mode", "negative") ams_params.setValue( "positive_adducts", os.path.join(files, "PositiveAdducts.tsv") ) ams_params.setValue( "negative_adducts", os.path.join(files, "NegativeAdducts.tsv") ) ams_params.setValue("db:mapping", [os.path.join(files, "HMDBMappingFile.tsv")]) ams_params.setValue( "db:struct", [os.path.join(files, "HMDB2StructMapping.tsv")] ) ams.setParameters(ams_params) mztab = oms.MzTab() ams.init(), mztab) oms.MzTabFile().store(os.path.join(files, "ids.tsv"), mztab) with open(os.path.join(files, "ids_smsection.tsv"), "w") as output, open( os.path.join(files, "ids.tsv"), "r" ) as input: for line in input: if line.lstrip().startswith("SM"): output.write(line[4:]) ams_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(files, "ids_smsection.tsv"), sep="\t") os.remove(os.path.join(files, "ids.tsv")) os.remove(os.path.join(files, "ids_smsection.tsv")) ams_df Data Filtering and Imputation ***************************** ``in``: unfiltered :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` DataFrame (cm_df) ``out``: features below minimum quality and with too many missing values removed, remaining missing values imputed with KNN algorithm (cm_df) .. code-block:: python :linenos: allowed_missing_values = 1 min_feature_quality = 0.8 n_nearest_neighbours = 2 # drop features that have more then the allowed number of missing values or are below minimum feature quality to_drop = [] for i, row in cm_df.iterrows(): if ( row.isna().sum() > allowed_missing_values or row["quality"] < min_feature_quality ): to_drop.append(i) cm_df.drop(index=cm_df.index[to_drop], inplace=True) # Data imputation with KNN imputer = Pipeline( [ ("imputer", KNNImputer(n_neighbors=2)), ( "pandarizer", FunctionTransformer( lambda x: pd.DataFrame(x, columns=cm_df.columns) ), ), ] ) cm_df = imputer.fit_transform(cm_df) cm_df Annotate :term:Features` with Identified Compounds ************************************************************ ``in``: :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` DataFrame without identifications (cm_df) and :py:class:`~.AccurateMassSearch` DataFrame (ams_df) ``out``: :py:class:`~.ConsensusMap` DataFrame with new identifications column (id_df) .. code-block:: python :linenos: id_df = cm_df id_df["identifications"] = pd.Series(["" for x in range(len(id_df.index))]) for rt, mz, description in zip( ams_df["retention_time"], ams_df["exp_mass_to_charge"], ams_df["description"], ): indices = id_df.index[ np.isclose(id_df["mz"], float(mz), atol=1e-05) & np.isclose(id_df["RT"], float(rt), atol=1e-05) ].tolist() for index in indices: if description != "null": id_df.loc[index, "identifications"] += str(description) + ";" id_df["identifications"] = [ item[:-1] if ";" in item else "" for item in id_df["identifications"] ] id_df.to_csv(os.path.join(files, "result.tsv"), sep="\t", index=False) id_df Visualize :term:`Consensus Features` with Identifications ***************************************************************************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: fig = px.scatter(id_df, x="RT", y="mz", hover_name="identifications") fig.update_layout(title="Consensus features with identifications (hover)")