Mass Decomposition ================== Fragment Mass to Amino Acid Composition *************************************** One challenge often encountered in mass spectrometry is the question of the composition of a specific mass fragment only given its mass. For example, for the internal fragment mass :math:`262.0953584466` there are three different interpretations within a narrow mass band of :math:`0.05\ Th`: .. code-block:: python import pyopenms as oms print( oms.AASequence.fromString("MM").getMonoWeight(oms.Residue.ResidueType.Internal, 0) ) print( oms.AASequence.fromString("VY").getMonoWeight(oms.Residue.ResidueType.Internal, 0) ) print( oms.AASequence.fromString("DF").getMonoWeight(oms.Residue.ResidueType.Internal, 0) ) .. code-block:: output 262.08097003420005 262.1317435742 262.0953584466 As you can see, already for relatively simple two-amino acid combinations, multiple explanations may exist. OpenMS provides an algorithm to compute all potential amino acid combinations that explain a certain mass in the :py:class:`~.MassDecompositionAlgorithm` class: .. code-block:: python md_alg = oms.MassDecompositionAlgorithm() param = md_alg.getParameters() param.setValue("tolerance", 0.05) param.setValue("residue_set", b"Natural19WithoutI") md_alg.setParameters(param) decomps = [] md_alg.getDecompositions(decomps, 262.0953584466) for d in decomps: print(d.toExpandedString()) Which outputs the three potential compositions for the mass :math:`262.0953584466`. Note that every single combination of amino acids is only printed once, e.g. only ``DF`` is reported while the isobaric ``FD`` is not reported. This makes the algorithm more efficient. Naive Algorithm *************** We can compare this result with a more naive algorithm which simply iterates through all combinations of amino acid residues until the sum of of all residues equals the target mass: .. code-block:: python mass = 262.0953584466 residues = oms.ResidueDB().getResidues(b"Natural19WithoutI") def recursive_mass_decomposition(mass_sum, peptide): if abs(mass_sum - mass) < 0.05: print(peptide + "\t" + str(mass_sum)) for r in residues: new_mass = mass_sum + r.getMonoWeight(oms.Residue.ResidueType.Internal) if new_mass < mass + 0.05: recursive_mass_decomposition( new_mass, peptide + r.getOneLetterCode() ) print("Mass explanations by naive algorithm:") recursive_mass_decomposition(0, "") Note that this approach is substantially slower than the OpenMS algorithm and also does not treat ``DF`` and ``FD`` as equivalent, instead outputting them both as viable solutions. Stand-Alone Program ******************* We can use pyOpenMS to write a short program that takes a mass and outputs all possible amino acid combinations for that mass within a given tolerance: .. code-block:: output :linenos: import sys # Example for mass decomposition (mass explanation) # Internal residue masses (as observed e.g. as mass shifts in tandem mass spectra) # are decomposed in possible amino acid strings that match in mass. mass = float(sys.argv[1]) tol = float(sys.argv[2]) md_alg = oms.MassDecompositionAlgorithm() param = md_alg.getParameters() param.setValue("tolerance", tol) param.setValue("residue_set", b"Natural19WithoutI") md_alg.setParameters(param) decomps = [] md_alg.getDecompositions(decomps, mass) for d in decomps: print(d.toExpandedString().decode()) If we copy the above code into a script, for example ````, we will have a stand-alone software that takes two arguments: first the mass to be de-composed and secondly the tolerance to be used (which are collected on line 8 and 9). We can call it as follows: .. code-block:: bash python 999.4773990735001 1.0 python 999.4773990735001 0.001 Try to change the tolerance parameter. The parameter has a very large influence on the reported results, for example for :math:`1.0` tolerance, the algorithm will produce :math:`80,463` results while for a :math:`0.001` tolerance, only :math:`911` results are expected. Spectrum Tagger *************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: tsg = oms.TheoreticalSpectrumGenerator() param = tsg.getParameters() param.setValue("add_metainfo", "false") param.setValue("add_first_prefix_ion", "true") param.setValue("add_a_ions", "true") param.setValue("add_losses", "true") param.setValue("add_precursor_peaks", "true") tsg.setParameters(param) # spectrum with charges +1 and +2 test_sequence = oms.AASequence.fromString("PEPTIDETESTTHISTAGGER") spec = oms.MSSpectrum() tsg.getSpectrum(spec, test_sequence, 1, 2) print(spec.size()) # should be 357 # tagger searching only for charge +1 tags = [] tagger = oms.Tagger(2, 10.0, 5, 1, 1, [], []) tagger.getTag(spec, tags) print(len(tags)) # should be 890 b"EPTID" in tags # True b"PTIDE" in tags # True b"PTIDEF" in tags # False