- class pyopenms.MRMFeaturePickerFile#
Cython implementation of _MRMFeaturePickerFile
Original C++ documentation is available here
_MRMFeaturePickerFile_ loads components and components groups parameters from a .csv file
The structures defined in [MRMFeaturePicker](@ref MRMFeaturePicker) are used
It is required that columns component_name and component_group_name are present. Lines whose component_name’s or component_group_name’s value is an empty string, will be skipped. The class supports the absence of information within other columns.
A reduced example of the expected format (fewer columns are shown here): > component_name,component_group_name,TransitionGroupPicker:stop_after_feature,TransitionGroupPicker:PeakPickerChromatogram:sgolay_frame_length > arg-L.arg-L_1.Heavy,arg-L,2,15 > arg-L.arg-L_1.Light,arg-L,2,17 > orn.orn_1.Heavy,orn,3,21 > orn.orn_1.Light,orn,3,13
- __init__()#
- __init__(self) None
- __init__(self, in_0: MRMFeaturePickerFile) None
(self, filename, cp_list, cgp_list)Loads the file's data and saves it into vectors of ComponentParams and ComponentGroupParams
- load(self, filename: bytes | str | String, cp_list: List[MRMFP_ComponentParams], cgp_list: List[MRMFP_ComponentGroupParams]) None #
Loads the file’s data and saves it into vectors of ComponentParams and ComponentGroupParams
The file is expected to contain at least two columns: component_name and component_group_name. Otherwise, an exception is thrown
If a component group (identified by its name) is found multiple times, only the first one is saved
- Parameters:
filename – Path to the .csv input file
cp_list – Component params are saved in this list
cgp_list – Component Group params are saved in this list
- Raises:
Exception: MissingInformation If the required columns are not found
- Raises:
Exception: FileNotFound If input file is not found