
class pyopenms.DigestionEnzymeProtein#

Bases: object

Cython implementation of _DigestionEnzymeProtein

Original C++ documentation is available here

– Inherits from [‘DigestionEnzyme’]

Representation of a digestion enzyme for proteins (protease)



__init__(self) None


__init__(self, in_0: DigestionEnzymeProtein) None


__init__(self, name: bytes | str | String, cleavage_regex: bytes | str | String, synonyms: Set[bytes], regex_description: bytes | str | String, n_term_gain: EmpiricalFormula, c_term_gain: EmpiricalFormula, psi_id: bytes | str | String, xtandem_id: bytes | str | String, comet_id: int, omssa_id: int) None




addSynonym(self, synonym)

Adds a synonym


Returns the C-term gain


Returns the Comet enzyme ID


Returns the MSGFPlus enzyme id


Returns the N-term gain


Returns the name of the enzyme


Returns the OMSSA enzyme ID


Returns the PSI ID


Returns the cleavage regex


Returns the regex description


Returns the synonyms


Returns the X! Tandem enzyme ID

setCTermGain(self, value)

Sets the C-term gain

setCometID(self, value)

Sets the Comet enzyme ID

setMSGFID(self, value)

Sets the MSGFPlus enzyme id

setNTermGain(self, value)

Sets the N-term gain

setName(self, name)

Sets the name of the enzyme

setOMSSAID(self, value)

Sets the OMSSA enzyme ID

setPSIID(self, value)

Sets the PSI ID

setRegEx(self, cleavage_regex)

Sets the cleavage regex

setRegExDescription(self, value)

Sets the regex description

setSynonyms(self, synonyms)

Sets the synonyms

setValueFromFile(self, key, value)

Sets the value of a member variable based on an entry from an input file

setXTandemID(self, value)

Sets the X! Tandem enzyme ID

addSynonym(self, synonym: bytes | str | String) None#

Adds a synonym

getCTermGain(self) EmpiricalFormula#

Returns the C-term gain

getCometID(self) int#

Returns the Comet enzyme ID

getMSGFID(self) int#

Returns the MSGFPlus enzyme id

getNTermGain(self) EmpiricalFormula#

Returns the N-term gain

getName(self) bytes | str | String#

Returns the name of the enzyme

getOMSSAID(self) int#

Returns the OMSSA enzyme ID

getPSIID(self) bytes | str | String#

Returns the PSI ID

getRegEx(self) bytes | str | String#

Returns the cleavage regex

getRegExDescription(self) bytes | str | String#

Returns the regex description

getSynonyms(self) Set[bytes]#

Returns the synonyms

getXTandemID(self) bytes | str | String#

Returns the X! Tandem enzyme ID

setCTermGain(self, value: EmpiricalFormula) None#

Sets the C-term gain

setCometID(self, value: int) None#

Sets the Comet enzyme ID

setMSGFID(self, value: int) None#

Sets the MSGFPlus enzyme id

setNTermGain(self, value: EmpiricalFormula) None#

Sets the N-term gain

setName(self, name: bytes | str | String) None#

Sets the name of the enzyme

setOMSSAID(self, value: int) None#

Sets the OMSSA enzyme ID

setPSIID(self, value: bytes | str | String) None#

Sets the PSI ID

setRegEx(self, cleavage_regex: bytes | str | String) None#

Sets the cleavage regex

setRegExDescription(self, value: bytes | str | String) None#

Sets the regex description

setSynonyms(self, synonyms: Set[bytes]) None#

Sets the synonyms

setValueFromFile(self, key: bytes | str | String, value: bytes | str | String) bool#

Sets the value of a member variable based on an entry from an input file

setXTandemID(self, value: bytes | str | String) None#

Sets the X! Tandem enzyme ID