
class pyopenms.Prediction#

Bases: object

Cython implementation of _Prediction

Original C++ documentation is available here

– Inherits from [‘CVTermList’]



__init__(self) None


__init__(self, in_0: Prediction) None




addCVTerm(self, term)

Adds a CV term


Removes all meta values

consumeCVTerms(self, cv_term_map)

Merges the given map into the member map, no duplicate checking



Returns the accession string of the term

getKeys(self, keys)

Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set

getMetaValue(self, in_0)

Returns the value corresponding to a string, or

hasCVTerm(self, accession)


Returns if the MetaInfo is empty


Returns a reference to the MetaInfoRegistry

metaValueExists(self, in_0)

Returns whether an entry with the given name exists

removeMetaValue(self, in_0)

Removes the DataValue corresponding to name if it exists

replaceCVTerm(self, term)

Replaces the specified CV term

replaceCVTerms(self, cv_terms, accession)

setCVTerms(self, terms)

Sets the CV terms

setMetaValue(self, in_0, in_1)

Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name


addCVTerm(self, term: CVTerm) None#

Adds a CV term

clearMetaInfo(self) None#

Removes all meta values

consumeCVTerms(self, cv_term_map: Dict[bytes, List[CVTerm]]) None#

Merges the given map into the member map, no duplicate checking

empty(self) bool#
getCVTerms(self) Dict[bytes, List[CVTerm]]#

Returns the accession string of the term

getKeys(self, keys: List[bytes]) None#

Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set

getMetaValue(self, in_0: bytes | str | String) int | float | bytes | str | List[int] | List[float] | List[bytes]#

Returns the value corresponding to a string, or

hasCVTerm(self, accession: bytes | str | String) bool#
isMetaEmpty(self) bool#

Returns if the MetaInfo is empty

metaRegistry(self) MetaInfoRegistry#

Returns a reference to the MetaInfoRegistry

metaValueExists(self, in_0: bytes | str | String) bool#

Returns whether an entry with the given name exists

removeMetaValue(self, in_0: bytes | str | String) None#

Removes the DataValue corresponding to name if it exists

replaceCVTerm(self, term: CVTerm) None#

Replaces the specified CV term

replaceCVTerms(self, cv_terms: List[CVTerm], accession: bytes | str | String) None#
setCVTerms(self, terms: List[CVTerm]) None#

Sets the CV terms

setMetaValue(self, in_0: bytes | str | String, in_1: int | float | bytes | str | List[int] | List[float] | List[bytes]) None#

Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name
