- class pyopenms.ItraqConstants#
Cython implementation of _ItraqConstants
Original C++ documentation is available here
Some constants used throughout iTRAQ classes
Constants for iTRAQ experiments and a ChannelInfo structure to store information about a single channel
- __init__()#
- __init__(self) None
- __init__(self, in_0: ItraqConstants) None
(self, ...)Convert isotope correction matrix to stringlist
(self, itraq_type, ...)updateIsotopeMatrixFromStringList
(self, ...)Convert strings to isotope correction matrix rows
- getIsotopeMatrixAsStringList(self, itraq_type: int, isotope_corrections: List[MatrixDouble]) List[bytes] #
Convert isotope correction matrix to stringlist
Each line is converted into a string of the format channel:-2Da/-1Da/+1Da/+2Da ; e.g. ‘114:0/0.3/4/0’ Useful for creating parameters or debug output
- Parameters:
itraq_type – Which matrix to stringify. Should be of values from enum ITRAQ_TYPES
isotope_corrections – Vector of the two matrices (4plex, 8plex)
- translateIsotopeMatrix(self, itraq_type: int, isotope_corrections: List[MatrixDouble]) MatrixDouble #
- updateIsotopeMatrixFromStringList(self, itraq_type: int, channels: List[bytes], isotope_corrections: List[MatrixDouble]) None #
Convert strings to isotope correction matrix rows
Each string of format channel:-2Da/-1Da/+1Da/+2Da ; e.g. ‘114:0/0.3/4/0’ is parsed and the corresponding channel(row) in the matrix is updated Not all channels need to be present, missing channels will be left untouched Useful to update the matrix with user isotope correction values
- Parameters:
itraq_type – Which matrix to stringify. Should be of values from enum ITRAQ_TYPES
channels – New channel isotope values as strings
isotope_corrections – Vector of the two matrices (4plex, 8plex)